Monday, October 8, 2012

No hay un hoy...

Perdio...por ahora...

   For the last few years I have been adamantly following politics in the totalitarian state that is Venezuela. 14 years ago, the Venezuelan people elected Hugo Chavez Frias, and since then, he has lead the country deeper into the chaos that it is today. If you value your life, you would not walk the streets of Caracas, Venezuela because of violence. Under Hugo Chavez, Venezuela has become one of the most dangerous countries in the western hemisphere. Widespread blackouts plague both urban and rural areas, and there are constant shortages of basic staple foods. The state run oil company, PDVSA, which is managed by all chavistas, constantly pollute the rivers with oil spills that leave locals without clean water for weeks.

     Now I'm not saying I know everything about Venezuela, because I don't. What I just wrote is a gist of the things I know about Venezuela from my point of view. As a conservative American, I find the state that Venezuela is in to be deplorable to say the least. Every time I sit down to read my blogroll, and tidbits of EL UNIVERSAL, Ultimas Noticias, La Patilla, and El Nacional, I come into the sobering reality that the official news of everyday Venezuela is a far cry from what I read in my blogroll. A basic freedom that I admit taking for granted daily...freedom of expression. Granted nobody wants to sit down everyday and read depressing news about how someone got killed, or that unemployment is high. Maybe that is why they never post about these topics...they happen every hour of every day. There is no way to keep up with this kind of stuff...nor does the government want you to.

About 3 years ago, I met my friend Daniel via internet. (Not the Daniel in my blogroll) Daniel was reluctant to talk about his country and how bad things were there. Even though I couldn't probe information out of him, he did tell me there is plenty out there on the internet to learn. It was easy to see why he wouldn't tell me much about his country. There is so much to say, but no need to say it. To live in what I described to you is depressing. Its the elephant that is constantly in the room, and there is no sure way to get rid of it. Daniel and his family spend a lot of time-- as much time as their money controlled by CADIVI would allow them-- outside of Venezuela. Its understandable. Even though Daniel has told me I am welcome to come and visit...I remain hesitant to go because of what might happen.

I awoke early Sunday morning to wish Daniel and his family (who I have also become friends with since then) good luck in the election. Even though Venezuela is not my country, I wanted things to get better for them. I basically was hoping for a miracle just like all the Capriles supporters out there. But the reality of it was that even though the opposition in Venezuela has come a long way, they have not come far enough. They for years had lost the trust of the people, and despite Capriles valiant effort to regain it, it just wasn't enough. I have more respect today for Capriles because of what he has done for the Venezuelan people. The country may very well still be divided, but the opposition is more united today than they have ever been. Maybe in the future they will make the changes needed to gain the trust of Venezuela's poorest. Maybe Chavez will die of cancer and Venezuela will have to make a decision much sooner. Regardless if you decide to leave or remain, I pray that Venezuelans do not lose hope, and do not give up fighting for your better future.

Speaking with Daniel and his family, I can understand the despair they feel. The feeling that they are being sucked into a hole that they never wanted any part in digging. They will not know what a true democracy is yet again, thanks to Chavismo. It is more unfortunate that they have to suffer from their country's problems even though they didn't vote for it to be this way. My sympathies rest with them tonight.  I was looking forward to those in my Blogroll writing about the progress that was going to be made, to see them write about change. Things will change now. Nothing new will happen with Chavismo, and after 14 years, I'm positive that they have become weary of writing about Chavez' shit.  I could sit here for hours and reflect on what could have been, but there is no need. Venezuela is a fine example of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Electing the same man over and over, and expecting something better.

Monday, September 10, 2012

If this is what Obama supporters are for...

News Flash: She can't even vote.

If Obama's supporters or even Obama himself is an advocate for this kind of behavior, I should pack my bags and move to Venezuela. Now.

What you are seeing is a Photoshopped picture of Obama choking/beating/intimidating/doing something-- to rapper Nicki Manaj. Why is he doing this you might ask? Because she "apparently" endorsed Mitt Romney in her latest set of bars on Lil' Wayne's Dedication 4 mix tape track "Mercy". In the track she makes the comment "I'm a Republican voting for Mitt Romney, you lazy bitches is f*cking up the economy..." Her line in the song sparked outrage in the hip hop community and the black community in general. Some even went so far as to speak of boycotting her music and send death threats via Twitter and Facebook.  (How stupid is that?) Granted, I describe myself as a center right individual when it comes to political standards. I could name some of my favorite music artists who are very Liberal or even self described Communists. Even though I don't agree with their view of the world, I'm not sending them death threats or boycotting their music. Regardless if miss Manaj was serious or not, she took it in stride, appearing at the MTV Video Music Awards unphased that many people supposedly wanted to kill her. Kudos to her. It turns out that Manaj wasn't even endorsing Romney. She finally opened up on Twitter after Obama spoke on the issue to a Florida radio station, thanking Obama for understanding her "creative humor and sarcasm." She also mentioned "the smart ones always do."  I hope all those who sent her death threats really feel stupid after this. Maybe I should start a school for people to better learn sarcasm. I should also start a tolerance school to teach people to respect and tolerate other people's views regardless if they coincide with yours or not.

...and how is this picture relevant to her supposed reason for "voting"?
This issue highlights how black people in America are becoming more and more intolerant of other people and their opinions. The same hate and intolerance that they claim fill those who aren't supporters of Obama are equally instilled in them. Many are just as racist, hateful bigots as their Ku Klux Klan counterparts. (Black Panther Party anyone?) If Nicki Manaj was standing right there when she spit that bar, I'm positive they would have lynched her without even allowing a fair explanation of what she really meant. A true prime example of this would be the incident of the Black Panther Party members standing outside of voting polls in Pennsylvania back in 2008. Why were they standing there? Voter intimidation of course. Promoting hate and intolerance from day one. One was carrying a baton and shouting at white people as they went in to vote "You're about to be ruled by a black man cracker!" Ruled? RULED? This is America not Africa! Are we trying to turn the table on white people for hundreds of years of slavery, discrimination, racism, and oppression? I would see it that way. It seems like this is a revenge crusade, and they see Obama as the ring leader.

Based on what I believe according to political tests, I would be placed here.
An overwhelming majority of black people voted for Obama in the 2008 presidential election. Even though over 90% of African American's voted for Obama, there are still a small margin of black people who don't support Obama and are not even Democrats. How are they treated? Just like white people. There is a term dubbed for black republicans. They are called "Uncle Tom". As a black person, I would be given that title too. Not because I'm republican (because I'm not. I'm a libertarian), but because I find myself trying more and more to get away from all these things others see us as. In truth, I see them just as well as the next person. The Obama presidency has become like a gang war in the black community in my eyes. You are supposed to support him because he is black. No other reason should be involved. Just that reason alone. If you don't, prepare to be treated just as they treated Nicki Manaj. It is this type of mentality among my fellow peers that often keeps me from speaking out and saying why I see things differently. If this is what Obama supporters are for, then I will happily vote Republican. At least I don't hear white people shouting at me at the polls saying "You're about to be ruled by a white man again N***er!!"At least I don't hear them threatening me with my life for supporting Obama.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

MTV Video Music Awards versus the Democratic National Convention Conspiracy

A few days ago, I was on Facebook when I noticed an old classmate of mine posted a status. What was this status about? The MTV Video Music Awards being aired at the same time as the Democratic National Convention. Generally, she drew up in her mind that this was come kind of conspiracy against the president.
 I being the person who generally likes to start shit, replied that I didn't see anything wrong. Then I went on to state I didn't really care about either of them as MTV sucks and I know who I'm voting for so it doesn't really matter. The post continues on as follows:

"So, the VMA's aired on a Thursday night during the DNC?! How convenient!! If you don't see anything wrong with this, you're completely blind..."

Nope, nothing wrong here. Of course, I don't really care about either of them. I know who I am voting for in the election, and my favorite songs of the moment will not be swayed by some half baked awards show.

 "For someone who doesn't care, you seem to have a 'half baked' opinion. It's great you know who you're voting for, but that has nothing to do with my status. The point I was trying to make was...The VMA's usually airs on a Sunday, but instead aired on a Thursday night during the DNC. In MY opinion you're blind.
No response is needed, Thanks."

Wow, getting a little angry are we? Please allow me to clarify what I meant. I do understand your point, but you say it as if they did it on purpose. Just because MTV "normally" airs their awards show on a Sunday doesn't mean they HAVE to. They had plans to air it on that day just as long, (if not longer) as the DNC had plans to host on that day. MTV had just as much right to air on Thursday as the DNC did. When they found out they were overlapping, they even changed the time so that nobody misses the president's speech. (Since changing the day at the last minute wasn't going to work) Most didn't tune in until that time anyway, and the DNC still got more views than the VMA's did. So no, I don't see a problem. It's not the first time someone broadcasted a highly popular show at the same time as a political event, and it won't be the last. If MTV really didn't care, they wouldn't have changed anything.  So here is my question for you: If Obama weren't president, and he never existed, and this exact same thing happened, would you be pointing this out right now?

" You really shouldn't have wasted your time replying. I was done with the conversation after my response. While I understand your opinion, it wasn't needed...nor did I ask for it.
Again, No response is needed....God Bless! "

God Bless indeed. I feel sorry for my fellow black people who always see themselves as victims in society. She clearly thought that MTV was purposely aired to overshadow the president because he is black. To me, her answer to my question is an obvious "no" since she clearly didn't even take the time to respond and dismiss me. Also, if you post a status on Facebook, you are clearly asking the opinion of others, even if they don't coincide your own. You don't have to agree with my opinion, but you most certainly solicited it by making the post public. Such is the way of social media. Remember that, folks. 

Saying that its wrong for MTV to air their awards show at the same time as Obama's speech is about as wrong as Spongebob Squarepants airing on Nickelodeon at that exact same time. Nobody echoed a word when they broadcasted other popular shows over the Republican National Convention, or even previous Democratic National Conventions where Obama wasn't Presiding. Why start complaining now? This wasn't some big conspiracy by MTV to overshadow the president's big speech. Even the performers at the VMAs themselves would have pointed out that it's wrong to broadcast over an important speech such as this one. What are we suddenly advocates for Venezuelan style "cadenas" where all television channels stop broadcasting their normally scheduled shows just to hear the president fart? I've already had enough of Obama shoved down my throat in the last 4 years, thank you very much.

We live in the United States of America where I can decide whether or not I care about watching the president ramble on about his bullshit, or choose to change the channel. If you don't think I have that right, feel free to advocate for the FCC to interrupt all channel broadcasts to listen to him.  We could easily have those Venezuelan style cadenas. I'm sure Obama would love to have them too...and unlimited presidential terms...and limits to free speech for the common good *cough cass sunstein cough*...

So, I guess i'll start off...

So, I guess this is my blog with my random thoughts about whatever. I'm doing it out of boredom, but mostly because I have things to say. Whoever wants to read is more than welcome to read. Whoever wants to listen is welcome to listen. You don't have to agree with me, but don't be disagreeable.

I am just an ordinary American woman. Much like you, I live and breathe. I have a job, a car, a dog, a place to live. However, I find myself more and more not fitting into the world around me. Maybe because of my varying views about things, or even because I choose not to fit. I am overall a black female. My father is black. I am also mixed. My mother is Italian and Native American. Everyone on that side of my family is basically white. In a perfect world, none of this would matter, but of course this is the United States of America. Things are very much still seen from a black and white perspective, despite the fact we have a president who is in fact mixed, just like me.  

So here is to the first opening blog post.