A few days ago, I was on Facebook when I noticed an old classmate of mine posted a status. What was this status about? The MTV Video Music Awards being aired at the same time as the Democratic National Convention. Generally, she drew up in her mind that this was come kind of conspiracy against the president.
I being the person who generally likes to start shit, replied that I didn't see anything wrong. Then I went on to state I didn't really care about either of them as MTV sucks and I know who I'm voting for so it doesn't really matter. The post continues on as follows:
"So, the VMA's aired on a Thursday night during the DNC?! How convenient!! If you don't see anything wrong with this, you're completely blind..."
Nope, nothing wrong here. Of course, I don't really care about either of them. I know who I am voting for in the election, and my favorite songs of the moment will not be swayed by some half baked awards show.
"For someone who doesn't care, you seem to have a 'half baked' opinion. It's great you know who you're voting for, but that has nothing to do with my status. The point I was trying to make was...The VMA's usually airs on a Sunday, but instead aired on a Thursday night during the DNC. In MY opinion you're blind.
No response is needed, Thanks."
Wow, getting a little angry are we? Please allow me to clarify what I meant. I do understand your point, but you say it as if they did it on purpose. Just because MTV "normally" airs their awards show on a Sunday doesn't mean they HAVE to. They had plans to air it on that day just as long, (if not longer) as the DNC had plans to host on that day. MTV had just as much right to air on Thursday as the DNC did. When they found out they were overlapping, they even changed the time so that nobody misses the president's speech. (Since changing the day at the last minute wasn't going to work) Most didn't tune in until that time anyway, and the DNC still got more views than the VMA's did. So no, I don't see a problem. It's not the first time someone broadcasted a highly popular show at the same time as a political event, and it won't be the last. If MTV really didn't care, they wouldn't have changed anything. So here is my question for you: If Obama weren't president, and he never existed, and this exact same thing happened, would you be pointing this out right now?
" You really shouldn't have wasted your time replying. I was done with the conversation after my response. While I understand your opinion, it wasn't needed...nor did I ask for it.
Again, No response is needed....God Bless! "
God Bless indeed. I feel sorry for my fellow black people who always see themselves as victims in society. She clearly thought that MTV was purposely aired to overshadow the president because he is black. To me, her answer to my question is an obvious "no" since she clearly didn't even take the time to respond and dismiss me. Also, if you post a status on Facebook, you are clearly asking the opinion of others, even if they don't coincide your own. You don't have to agree with my opinion, but you most certainly solicited it by making the post public. Such is the way of social media. Remember that, folks.
Saying that its wrong for MTV to air their awards show at the same time as Obama's speech is about as wrong as Spongebob Squarepants airing on Nickelodeon at that exact same time. Nobody echoed a word when they broadcasted other popular shows over the Republican National Convention, or even previous Democratic National Conventions where Obama wasn't Presiding. Why start complaining now? This wasn't some big conspiracy by MTV to overshadow the president's big speech. Even the performers at the VMAs themselves would have pointed out that it's wrong to broadcast over an important speech such as this one. What are we suddenly advocates for Venezuelan style "cadenas" where all television channels stop broadcasting their normally scheduled shows just to hear the president fart? I've already had enough of Obama shoved down my throat in the last 4 years, thank you very much.
We live in the United States of America where I can decide whether or not I care about watching the president ramble on about his bullshit, or choose to change the channel. If you don't think I have that right, feel free to advocate for the FCC to interrupt all channel broadcasts to listen to him. We could easily have those Venezuelan style cadenas. I'm sure Obama would love to have them too...and unlimited presidential terms...and limits to free speech for the common good *cough cass sunstein cough*...
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